CONFERENCE: Friday, June 27 – Sunday, June 29, 2025
GALA: Friday, June 27, 2025
ACTIVISM EVENT: Saturday, June 28, 2025

event details
The Capital Hilton for Conference & Gala | The Activism Event Location is TBA
Conference & Gala Address: The Capital Hilton, 1001 16th St NW, Washington, D.C. 20036
Activism Event Address: TBA
We Must Unite to
Protect the Preborn!
Last year, we celebrated one of the greatest days in American history, the second anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade! Thousands gathered to rally at the Lincoln Memorial to push for equal rights for all, and then hundreds gathered at the Gala to celebrate the Every Day Heroes of the pro-life movement.
Join us again this year for National Celebrate Life Weekend, an expanded time to celebrate, learn, and strategize with a Conference, Gala, and Activism Event. The Conference and Gala have limited ticketed seating and the Activism Event is unlimited, but please register to attend the Activism Event so we can plan well.
Registration Coming Soon!

Our Speakers

Kristan Hawkins
President of Students for
Life of America

Shawn Carney
President & CEO of
40 Days for Life

Michael Kenney
President of Pro Life
Partners Foundation

Abby Johnson
Founder and Director of And Then There
Were None and ProLove Ministries

Lauren Muzyka
Founder, President & CEO of
Sidewalk Advocates for Life
To our wonderful hosts, co-hosts, and partners for making this celebration possible.
